Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How To Wash North Face Fleece How Can I Shrink My North Face Jacket?

How can I shrink my North Face jacket? - how to wash north face fleece

I think I was a bit impatient and asked my father, my North Face jacket. It's so great to me! I wanted a used and only rarely, because it seems awkward and weird, every time I post. Someone told me that if I leave it to wash into the dryer for a long time or may be reduced in hot water (this is a fleece jacket, the Denali is one). Has anyone any advice? (it is too late to go back, FYI).


Stanley S said...

Go to McDonald's. Much.

imjustac... said...

Do not do this, you need as a ruin (fleece and synthetic melt). Since you have stayed with him, you have to use significantly.

linlyons said...

You can not.
Cotton shrinks.
Synthetic NO.

Jules said...

You buy will fit your size is the best solution.

snowingn... said...

If you should be lowered into the dryer at high temperature. Or if you wash with warm water and then dried the jacket is reduced. If this tactic does not work, does it take to ask the cleaning staff, so that reducing it by hot water or you can ask them to reduce what they can.

Hope this helps!

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